I'm making this non biking post in an effort to help out a young girl and her family......
Read On if You will Please........
(All photos are from Lisa's FB page and are credited to her)
All you FatBike Birkie guys and gals take note!!! ;)
A family friend is asking for help for her and her husbands daughter who's fighting Juvenile Diabetes.
This will not only help this young girl, but young children everywhere!
Lisa is an avid biker and skier....
So in a round about way, this still is a biking post!! ;)
This also hits close to home, and makes us feel very blessed that our two young ones have been relatively healthy, minus a broken bone here or there.
Anyway, if you can find it within yourself to help out that'd be awesome!!
Here's her (Lisa's) post on her
FB page.
"I'm back on the FB for one purpose and one purpose only…..to help raise funds for the JDRF in conjunction with the American Birkebeiner!
(Ok, maybe I'll post a few pics here and there!)
I kept it simple and set a goal of $500 but I know all of you and myself can do WAY better than that!!!
As many or all of you may know, our daughter Amanda was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes on Halloween of 2008….8th grade. Her dad or myself would gladly take the burden on if it was possible but unfortunately that's not possible. It's been a struggle for her as the disease has it's ups and downs and affects the body and mind in strange ways. She's been on top of the game though and taking control, not letting it get the best of her. She exercises regularly and eats a healthy diet, and works a regular job like regular people with minimal complaints.(Lisa's daughter, Amanda is on the left.)
As many or all of you may know, our daughter Amanda was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes on Halloween of 2008….8th grade. Her dad or myself would gladly take the burden on if it was possible but unfortunately that's not possible. It's been a struggle for her as the disease has it's ups and downs and affects the body and mind in strange ways. She's been on top of the game though and taking control, not letting it get the best of her. She exercises regularly and eats a healthy diet, and works a regular job like regular people with minimal complaints.(Lisa's daughter, Amanda is on the left.)

She wears a pump on her at all times that delivers to her body the life giving insulin that keeps her blood sugars in check. It's probably not the most comfortable thing to wear, and probably just a plain hassle at times, but she wears it….because she has to, along with millions of other kids just like her! We're hoping someday with the work of the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) and the thousands of man-hours they put in to find new ways of treatment or even a cure, that someday Amanda won't have to wear a pump anymore, or poke her finger one more time, or have to lug out her little black case with her gear in it and say "Hold on guys, I have to check my blood before I eat…" Hopefully, the same with be true for millions of other kids as well and that means freedom!
The JDRF counts on every penny for research to find a cure! Please follow the link to my personal JDRF page and make a donation today!
Thank you all very much for taking the time to read this and for your support, it's appreciated by myself and millions of others!!
Please go to www.jdrf.com/birkie and go to 'Donate to a Participant'. Enter my name (Lisa Dolinich) and click MinDakotas chapter…it's as easy as that!"
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