Friday, February 19, 2010

1/2 Day of Work =

A great ride on the "Fun Machine" that is the Surly Pugsley!!!
Damn what a great late morning ride.
Started work at 5 a.m. and was done at 9 a.m.
Gotta love a flexible work place, and an understanding better 1/2!!!
I love you Cindi!!! ;)

10-15 miles in 2.5-3 hours, all done within 5 miles of our house. i was home in time to clean up and pick kids up from school. the bank temp said 36 at 2:45, so earlier today was just perfect!!!

The trail less traveled was my favorite of the day!!

The double lane.

no one had been on this gem for about 5 days, this was in the woods shaded by the trees.

The snow machine super double lane highway 1/2 mile north of town.

From one Fat tire to another!!


  1. A beautiful morning to ride by the look of it.

  2. Hey Nice Bike:

    Do you mind posting the build specs? I am thinking about building one.



  3. Nice shots. Just built a Pugs this month. Would be curious about your spec's, too.

  4. pic 6 is a peace joe!, i had already seen it on a nice desktop...bruce

  5. Bruce, feel free to take whatever pic. you like!!

    Peace, Joe
