Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Paved Trail, Gravel, More Pavedness

75 by noon.
Called home, water bottles were put in freezer..... New hydro pack bladders were put in freezer also.
We stopped at my mom and dads to drop off a pair of shorts I need to have sewed up..(i really should learn), nobody home, ok we're off.
Mesabi Trail, 

Some goofing off under the highway.

Then it was another 3-4 miles before we hit the gravel.

For awhile I thought I had two gravel grinder champions with me, then a hill!!! Lol

At least they can suffer a little!! Lol
Ha Ha Ha Ha 
Pedal On!!


  1. It's great to see you getting out with the kids. I plan on riding the Mesabi again this summer.

  2. RL~
    You should give some thought to August 3rd.
    The Great River Energy Mesabi Trail Tour.
    Bottom left hand corner with the picture of the moose.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
