Tuesday, October 23, 2012

One XS Green 9:zero:7 Please!!

While it was delayed a bit, it was going to happen sooner than later!!

A BIG thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Deathrider; or just one to Lady Deathrider?? ;) Lol
Another BIG thanks to Ben and Jarod of Penn Cycles Eagan!!

She'll be green with black cables, running a 1x..... Marge lights with Husker Du rubber.

Jenna got her picture taken with the 9:zero:7 that was set up in the Penn shop. She'll eventually be getting a Fat Bike, she just needs to grow a bit more!! ;)

Anyway, the green beast should look sweet under the tree in a couple months!!



  1. That is great news!! He is a lucky little man. I have my name on an orange frame and a set of wheels to match. Orange on orange. I think I will call it the great pumpkin. hehe


  2. Happy Days Joe!
    I bet the wee man is over the moon!
