Zack's first real taste of true free flowing singletrack, and boy did he have a good time!!!
i think they have around 5-7 miles built, not sure about that number, but Z made it 4.35 miles and he had enough, and we bailed out to the ski trail, and then back to the parking lot. at 1st he got freaked out and kept yelling at me to wait up. LOL
i couldn't explain to him that i wasn't really that far ahead of him. then we came to the pine plantation part of this trail, and i got a chance to show him what i was talking about. with the wide open pine forest he could see i was really not that far ahead of him. i could almost see that light bulb go on above his head!!! LOL
I'm PROUD of you Zack!!! GREAT JOB PAL!!!
i took some pictures, but we were having a great time, and neither one of us wanted to stop for long???!! next time i hit up this trail i'll take more.
anyway a big kudos has to go out to Marlo, Wally and all the Grand Rapids gang that is working on this trail.... GREAT JOB!!!!!